How to Get More Time Out of Your Day

How to Get More Time Out of Your Day

Have you ever noticed how often people say “I wish I had more time in the day?” It’s a chronic desire that plagues the vast majority of the population. We wish we had more time to finish work tasks, chores, spend time with our loved ones, do something that relaxes us. The list goes on and on.

Instead of feeling like you’re constantly scrambling for time, adopt some of these tactics to help you get more time out of your day.

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7 Tips for Staging Your House To Sell

7 Tips for Staging Your House To Sell

Springtime is the hot season for selling a home. That’s because everything’s starting to bloom, there are more daylight hours to flood homes with natural light, and it’s a bit warmer.

There are several things you might need to do before putting your home on the market - renovate the kitchen and bathrooms, paint the bedrooms in more “sellable” colors, and patch up any damage that has occurred over the years. In addition to sprucing up your home, you’ll also want to stage it. Staging your home helps potential buyers imagine living in your house. The point is to provide enough of a lived-in feel without overwhelming a buyer with all of your personal things.

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Reassessing Your 2018 Productivity Goals

Reassessing Your 2018 Productivity Goals

At some point in our lives, we’ve all been guilty of setting a goal (typically a New Year’s resolution) that we started towards in earnest but eventually tapered off doing. An incredibly popular New Year’s resolution is to vow to work out more but by this time every year, many people have abandoned the effort. Another example is when people want to be more productive but find they’ve slipped back into their old habits.

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How to Maximize 3-Day Weekends for Your Home Projects

How to Maximize 3-Day Weekends for Your Home Projects

Three day weekends don’t come around that often. We get even fewer three day weekends where we don’t need to celebrate a holiday like the Fourth of July or Thanksgiving.

With President’s Day soon upon us, many of us are wondering what we’ll do with out time. Travel, have a party, have a staycation. President’s Day weekend is actually the perfect time to get a home project done that’s been on your list for ages.

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New Year's Resolution

New Year's Resolution

Eighty percent of New Year’s Resolutions fail by February. That’s a discouraging statistic to hear on the eve of 2018. The question is why are we so terrible at keeping our resolutions? Did we set our goals too high? Do we not have enough willpower?

The answer is a bit of both. We tend to set incredibly lofty goals to be met at an undetermined date and then we lose the will do complete them a few months into the new year. As we resume our daily routines of work, taking care of the kids, cleaning the house, etc., it’s easy to push New Year’s resolutions aside.

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Clutter-Free Christmas Gifts

Clutter-Free Christmas Gifts

Christmas time can be a nightmare for families who are trying to cut down on clutter. Along with tons of decorations, Christmas also brings many gifts into your home. Unfortunately, you’ll likely receive many gifts you won’t use or that add to the clutter in your home. If you and your family are trying to reduce the amount of clutter in your house but still need to give gifts this year, check out our suggestions for clutter-free gifts.

Family Vacation

Instead of having to find a gift for each person in your family, how about treating everyone to a vacation at Christmas? We’ve heard of one tradition a family started where the family decided they had too much stuff. Instead of giving gifts, they pack up their bags each year, go to a new place, and only exchange the gift of a book. Each person receives one book and they spend Christmas Eve reading around the tree.

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10 Ways To Save Time Decorating This Holiday Season

10 Ways To Save Time Decorating This Holiday Season

The holidays are busy for everyone. Hosting holiday parties, family coming to stay, and decorating cookies are all on the docket.

With so many events taking place in the home, you want to make sure your house looks great for the holidays. At the same time, you don’t want to spend so much time decorating that it detracts from time with your family and friends.

In this article, we’ve laid out ten tips to help you save time decorating your home so you can spend time on the things that matter.

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Preparing for The Holidays

Preparing for The Holidays

The holiday period between Thanksgiving and Christmas is the most important time of year for many American families. It’s the time of year when loved ones travel from all over the country (and sometimes all over the world) to be at home.

It’s also a period when Americans spend large amounts on entertaining, decorations, and gifts. In fact, Americans spend about $3.19 TRILLION at retail stores for Christmas.

Inevitably, many of us end up with too many holiday decorations and gifts than we know what to do with, and it can be difficult to organize those items. In this article, we’ll provide some tips to help you get ready and keep your home organized for the holiday season.

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Getting Halloween Organized

Getting Halloween Organized

Autumn brings a clean, crisp feeling to the air and anticipation for….Halloween! Yes! The kids are getting excited about what they’re going to be for Halloween, how much candy they’ll get while Trick or Treating, and how many frights they’ll get that night.

To match their excitement, you’ll decorate your front yard with ghouls, goblins, and scary Jack O’ Lanterns. You want to show off your holiday spirit for the Trick or Treaters!

But, when you get to your decorations box, you realize it’s a mess. There is more money spent on Halloween than any other non-gift giving holiday. That's a LOT of stuff! This Halloween, take control of organizing your Halloween decorations with these tips.

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Declutter Your Kitchen Cabinets

Declutter Your Kitchen Cabinets

When you move into a new home you always seem to have the best intentions of keeping your pantry and kitchen cabinets organized. And yet, if you are like most of our clients, you rarely ever stick to that commitment.

Call it a human flaw, but our kitchen cabinets become catch-all collectors for appliances we think we’ll use, ingredients we think we’ll love, and bakeware that we only use once every five years.

When you realize your cabinets have just gotten too crazy and too difficult to see through, it’s time to declutter your kitchen cabinets. When you are ready to take on this task we highly suggest breaking it into several days or else you’ll burn out. For example, tackle half the shelves in your pantry one day and do the other half the next. Decide on which cabinets to go through based on how big they are and how many items they contain.

In this article, we’ll lay out a plan you can follow for each cabinet in your kitchen so you’re left with beautifully organized cabinets you’ll want to maintain forever.

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Seasonal Closet Rotation

Seasonal Closet Rotation

Every spring and fall we shudder at the idea of rotating clothes in and out of our closets. Sometimes it seems like it’s a days-long task and you wonder if it would just be easier to leave all your clothes in the closet all year round. 

However, most of us must rotate seasonal clothes in and out because we don’t have enough closet space. 

We’ve compiled a list of tips and tools to help you get through your bi-annual closet rotation. 

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How to Organize Stacks of Paper

How to Organize Stacks of Paper

Have you ever spent hours looking for that one piece of paper and cursed yourself for having not organized your paperwork better?

No matter if it’s bills, mail, product warranties, or tax forms, chances are you’ll need to put your hands on those items again. Save yourself a future headache by organizing your paperwork today. 

There are many ways to organize your paperwork both physically and electronically. Go with the option you think is most convenient and maintainable for you and your family.

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Boston Back-To-School Donations

Boston Back-To-School Donations

We’re coming near to the end of summer, sad to say. The temperatures are starting to cool a little bit (perhaps a relief to some), and children are getting excited about going back to school.

As you prepare to send your children back to school, you might be thinking about all the new clutter that will be added to your home with new notebooks, craft supplies, and clothes. This time of year is the perfect opportunity to take stock of what your children have, and determine which items they need and what can be donated. 

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Apps to Help You Ditch the Clutter

Apps to Help You Ditch the Clutter

Have you ever been doing a massive organization of your home and put something in the donate pile that makes you think, “but I really spent too much on this to just give it away.” This amount is different for everyone but it’s a common sensation. 

Then you start considering your options for selling that item and the amount of work it takes to do it. Consignment shops are great but you have to schedule a drop off time, have them evaluate your things, and hope someone ends up purchasing the items. There’s not even a guarantee the consignment shop will accept your items. 

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8 Kid-Friendly Summer VACATION Organization Tips

8 Kid-Friendly Summer VACATION Organization Tips

Summer is in full swing. The kids are on summer vacation, the pool is open, and the weather is perfect for tons of outdoor activities. 

If you’re feeling like summer snuck up on you and you weren’t prepared, never fear! There is still time for you to organize your home to make your kids’ summer a blast and keeping you sane in the process. 

Below are our V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N tips for getting the kids organized this summer.

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Summer Time Freedom

Summer Time Freedom

Summer is a notoriously busy time, what with balancing work with your kids, vacations, keeping your home organize, parties, and BBQs. But, there’s something about the longer days of summer freedom that trick us into thinking we have more time than we really do.

If by this Fourth of July you realize you’ve fallen victim to this illusion of summertime productivity, it’s time to rethink your daily schedule and recapture your freedom this summer. Check out our article to learn more about productivity apps and tricks!

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