Getting Halloween Organized

Autumn brings a clean, crisp feeling to the air and anticipation for….Halloween! Yes! The kids are getting excited about what they’re going to be for Halloween, how much candy they’ll get while Trick or Treating, and how many frights they’ll get that night.

To match their excitement, you’ll decorate your front yard with ghouls, goblins, and scary Jack O’ Lanterns. You want to show off your holiday spirit for the Trick or Treaters!

But, when you get to your decorations box, you realize it’s a mess. There is more money spent on Halloween than any other non-gift giving holiday. That's a LOT of stuff! This Halloween, take control of organizing your Halloween decorations with these tips.

Scrutinize Your Decorations

When you go to pull out your decorations this Halloween, take note of what you pull out and what you’re leaving in the box. Chances are if you don’t use it this year, you won’t use it next year. Do future you the favor and pull out those unwanted decorations and put them in a box to be taken to your local thrift shop.

For items that are too worn out or too dirty, go ahead and throw them away.

Find Your Replacements

If you’re short on Halloween decorations or decided to donate many of the items you had, it’s time to think about replacing them.

Our first suggestion is to go thrift shopping. You’ll be able to find tons of gently-used decorations there for a fraction of the cost.

Second, try buying items that can be used beyond Halloween. For example, instead of buying a fake Jack O’ Lantern, buy a pumpkin with decorative leaves or flowers. Those types of decorations can stay out on your front porch from the time pumpkin season rolls around to just past Thanksgiving. You’ll get tons more enjoyment out of them.

Third, opt for natural decorations. Pumpkins, gourds, and corn husks are beautiful decorations plus they’re all natural. They last for quite a long time outside or as your centerpiece. When they start to turn, you can compost them or throw them into a back corner of the yard to decompose.

Donate and Thrift for Costumes

Old costumes are often overlooked in most households. This year, take some time to track down all the old costumes you or your spouse have worn. Donate any costumes you won’t wear again or ones that don’t fit.

Your kids’ costumes might be a different story. If you have several children, try to encourage them to wear hand-me-down costumes. If your children are all grown, donate their old costumes to a thrift store. We know some outfits (1st Halloween, really memorable outfits) will be hard to let go of, but try to get rid of any you can bear to live without.

While you’re donating old costumes, check out their costume section. Chances are most outfits will be very lightly worn and come at a fraction of the cost. You’ll love hunting for the perfect costume for you or your child and give an outfit a second lease on life.

Another way to thrift shop for costumes is to have a base outfit that could be changed into many characters or costumes with the right accessories. Thrift shops are a great place to go to track down those accessories.


When Halloween is over, it’ll be time to put your decorations into storage until next year. Place all your decorations and costumes in clear plastic bins so you can see everything. Put a “Halloween” label on there, and store it with your other seasonal items.

For larger items like outdoor hanging decorations that might be dirty, put them in a clear plastic bag or another clear bin and store in your garage or attic. This will keep your indoor Halloween decorations clean and like new for next year.

Too Much Halloween Clutter Won’t Spook You Anymore!

If you commit to decluttering your Halloween decorations (and all holiday decorations) each year, your life will be significantly easier. You’ll never be too scared to go find something “in that pile of stuff” or get frustrated when you can’t find something immediately. Who knows, maybe you’ll love Halloween as much as when you were a kid again.