Creating a Holiday Plan to Save Time and Avoid Stress

The Holiday Season is an annual, long-awaited event by children and adults alike. The presents, the get-togethers, the laughter, and fun are things that everyone looks forward to. But a lot goes into making the festive season a success for everyone, hosts and guests alike. If you find yourself playing host this year, then you have a lot more preparation to do than those who will come and join you for the festivities. 

But don’t let this thought bring you down. Here we’ll help you create the perfect holiday plan that will ready you before the holiday cheer sets in. Even if you’re not the host of the family party, you can benefit from some of the smaller tips this article has to offer. 

Where Does the Family Meet? 

The holidays come as a surprise to no one. And where family get-togethers are ritual, it’s only expected that someone will take charge of being host/hostess. The holiday cheer starts to pile up near the end of the year, what with Thanksgiving, Hanukah and Christmas all falling within one season. Make sure you have this time of year charted out 3-6 months in advance. That gives the rest of the family plenty of time to book their tickets and chart out their travel plans. 

If you are the hosting family, then 3-6 months in advance is the right time to reach out to your family and ask the following questions: 

  • Who’s coming? This will give you an idea of how many people to expect and cater to. 

  • Who will stay at a hotel? Figure out who can stay at a hotel and who will have to stay with you. This gives you more than enough time to plan out the sleeping arrangements and pull out extra mattresses and bedding from the storage. 

  • What day is the plan? Determine the exact get together date for your family. With so much going on, not everyone may be available on one same day. So, decide on the date in advance to ensure that the rest of your plan can move accordingly. 

If you are not the hosting family, there are still things you will need to plan out on your behalf. Figure out your travel schedule to the hosting home. Do you need a hotel? Will you have to book a plane ticket to get there, or is your family a road-trip away? Get in touch with the host to figure out your schedule to get there on time when the holidays come around. 

Tackle the Pre-Holiday Jitters 

Let’s face it, it doesn’t even have to be Fall before the holiday vibes start to settle in. If you want to be on your top game, take a cue from all of the stores and start preparing for the holidays in October. 

With Thanksgiving officially kicking off the holiday season, it’s best to tackle this first and deal with other dates chronologically. This is also the time of year when holiday sales start going up, so you can start budgeting for not only Thanksgiving but other upcoming events as well. 

Start listing all your future activities on a calendar so you know exactly when you’re free or not. Everything should go on the schedule. There’s going to be the big family dinner, but what about the in-laws? The neighbors, your friends, and your kids’ friends? It’s better to be prepared beforehand rather than scrambling in your last minutes. 

Whether you get to host or not, the kitchen will get busy this season. Menu planning is something that takes time and effort, so start with this. If you plan on going to someone else’s for any of your events, think about what to take for a host/hostess gift. If your home is the dinner venue, then take stock of your plates, napkins, glasses and silverware. 

In the kitchen, have extra bites to hand around for Thanksgiving like a pie just in case someone drops by unexpectedly. Bake some cookies and bread in advance for any early birds that come with Christmas wishes before the holidays. You don’t want to look silly when everyone around you has given you something, but you still haven’t made a batter. 

Next come decorations which will change with every occasion. Tap into this area before the prices sky-rocket and stock starts diving off a cliff. Get everything you need; wreaths, lanterns, candleholders, floral arrangements, garlands, wrapping paper, and mantle decorations. Get these as soon as you see them go up in stores. Anything you need to order online, do it now so there’s plenty of time to get your order and even return and order again if something goes wrong. 

Pre-Holiday Day Preparation

Though this is the pre-holiday day prep, it does not mean you do this a few days before the actual holiday. All of this can just as well happen a month or two before. Draft your entire gift list and budget yourself based on the guest lists you’re expecting. Once you have a general idea of what the expenses look like, you can start your holiday gift shopping. 

As soon as you get your gifts, make sure you wrap them, label them, and place them somewhere safe before you start traveling and visiting. Do any last-minute online shopping as required and start taking stock of the things you'll need. Cutlery, decorations, and holiday cards are all necessities in this time of year. For the Christmas cheers, you can start thinking about delivery times and how long it will take recipients to receive their well-wishes. 

The Big Day to Come 

Finalize all the menus you must create before you host your multiple parties. Start making anything you can place in the fridge for now and re-heat later to make your job easier. 

If you are traveling for holiday gatherings, then prepare your entire family for the flight or road trip to come. Alert schools and offices if you need to take a break before holiday breaks start. 

The Final Job (for the Host) 

Whether it’s one evening together, or a few days’ stay-over, you will need to get your house company-ready. Clean the entire house at least once before you have any guests arrive. Thoroughly clean your dining and drawing room and decorate while you’re at it too. 

Prepare the cookware and get all that you need ready for a party of 10-20, depending on your guest list.

Enjoy the Holidays! 

You’re ready for the holidays! Enjoy this time of year with friends and family and no stress! If you prepare before the holiday spirit kicks in, you’ll never be behind schedule and you’ll stay alert and ready for everything that comes your way.