Preparing Your Kitchen for Holiday Cooking

The Holiday season runs from Thanksgiving to Christmas. It’s a time when the kitchen gets a real workout. There are more meals to prepare for more than the usual number of people. There is more demand for baking pies and cookies. And friends come over more often. 

So how does your kitchen stand all the hustle and bustle? By being Holiday ready. Let’s take a look at how you can successfully put your kitchen to the test.

Take a cupboard inventory

Take an inventory of your cupboard as you prepare for the Holiday season. This means looking at stored food containers, bags, boxes, cans, and jars taking stock in your cupboard. Check expiration dates for everything and get rid of expired products. 

You know you will be getting quite a few new food items for your Holidays. So, it makes sense to get rid of items that are no longer usable and make room for the new. 

Once you clear out and restock, you can now see exactly what you have in your cupboard. You can also make room for your Holiday grocery shopping and stock it in there. 

Dry-ingredient storage

Stock your dry ingredients such as flour and sugar in clear glass or plastic containers. Use containers with Snap-On lids to avoid making messes as you take out or put the containers back in. As you restock, make sure to keep the oldest stuff right in front. Place the recently purchased items towards the back rotating as you go. 

Cupboard organization works best by sticking to categories. You can arrange by types such as baking ingredients, snack foods, jar and canned goods, pasta and so on. 

Storing spices

Storing spices need a special mention because you want to maintain their optimal freshness. Ideally, spices should be stored in a dry and dark place. This helps preserve their freshness and flavor. 

Your spice cupboard should never be near your cooking source. This is because herbs and spices deteriorate when exposed to heat, light, and moisture. Any kind of temperature fluctuation can cause prices to condense and mold.  

Organize your kitchen appliances

Your kitchen appliances will also have to bear the grind of the Holiday season. If you have too many in your kitchen, organize your appliances to group them by use. Keep those used frequently front and center and the rarely used on a top-shelf. 

The barely ever used appliances can go to donations. This will open up cupboard space for things you will use. As you place your appliances in your cupboard, take the time to wrap cords around the appliance.  This simple move will make the cupboard look more organized and clutter-free. 

Sort out the container conundrum

Containers, storage bins, and cookware all need to be in their proper places before the Holiday season begins. After all, they’ll all have as busy a season as you. 

With the constant influx of guests, food prep and storage need to keep pace. You need to have all your storage containers, pots, dishes, serving platters, silverware and anything else that you need ready at hand. 

You will need to have storage containers on hand for quickly putting leftovers in the fridge. Then you will need some more for freezing food for a longer period. If you decide to buy in bulk, then you may need to get a few large-sized containers that can be placed in the garage or the basement. 

Items such as flour, sugar and other staples can go in these large containers to be stored outside the kitchen premises. You can even put extra canned drinks and other beverages in these and take them out when needed. 

Reform your refrigerator

Start by emptying your entire fridge, getting rid of any unused leftovers. For packaged foods in the fridge, check expiry dates. Use antibacterial wipes and spray for cleaning the inside of the fridge before restocking. 

As you restock, set up food zones in the refrigerator. A good tip is to place dairy products towards the back of the fridge where the temperature is the coldest. Put eggs on the middle shelf with a median temperature. Fruits and vegetables should go in the crisper section to preserve their freshness. 

Use freezer space well to store frozen produce, meat, bread, and pre-made frozen meals. You can organize your freezer in different ways by keeping meats by type. This way you’ll know where to look when preparing your favorite recipe. You can stock pre-made meals organized by recipe or type. Just make sure to put the earliest prepared ones on top and place the newest ones on the bottom. This will ensure you use everything in the freezer before its expiry date. 

Freeze foods you don't plan on eating until after the Holidays. Freezer bags work well to store leftovers. Stack bags based on how long you wish to store them. It's important to seal all bags securely if you plan on keeping them frozen for a prolonged period. 

The more thorough you are preparing your fridge, the simpler it will be for you once the company arrives. Having a properly organized fridge for the Holidays will keep your guests entertained and you stress-free. 


Planning for the Holidays can get both exciting and stressful especially when you are playing host. But by following our tips given here you can ensure the perfect Holiday gathering and that your event goes smoothly.