College Dorm 101: What and How To Pack

College Dorm 101: What and How To Pack

Moving into a dorm for the first time is huge for students. There’s the big move itself, but then there’s all the preparation before the move as well. Questions like what to bring and what to leave behind pop up. And the foremost consideration here to keep in mind is that there will be very limited space in your dorm room.

So plan your move with space availability in mind. Moving all your teen’s belonging out of their bedroom and elsewhere in the house into one shared dorm room will need a bit of planning. The trick lies not only in what you pack but also in how you pack so that everything needed fits and gets to college intact.

The move from home to dorm is a three tier process that involves what to pack, how to pack and then how to unpack to set up an organized room. It can seem daunting, especially for first time movers, but you can make it a lot easier by following these tips given here.

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Weekly Tasks to Keep Your Backyard Tidy

Weekly Tasks to Keep Your Backyard Tidy

Having a backyard means extending your home’s living space into the outdoors. It is a place where kids can play, families can dine and guests be entertained. But just like your home’s interior, this exterior living space also needs constant care and maintenance.

To make backyard upkeep easier for yourself, you can go for a few different options. For instance, you could opt for low maintenance features such as set some areas in stone. You could also use artificial grass in others to minimize upkeep. Or simplify things by investing in perennials and other non-fussy plants.

For the most part, every yard needs some degree of mowing, mulching and weeding. These tasks seem simple enough but need to be done right. You can pair these fundamentals with a few more routine things so your yard looks great without adding to your workload. Here are a few of those tasks that will tidy up the lawn if you follow these on a routine basis:

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How to Finally Free Yourself from Paper Records

How to Finally Free Yourself from Paper Records

Going paperless in the digital age seems to make sense, but is it really possible?

For many of us, paper has always been the gold standard- after all, it offers tangibility, a sense of security, authenticity, and originality. Plus, most people are creatures of habit so having paper records around just seems the right thing to do.

But as you move in a world obsessed with becoming “paperless” it may also make sense to look at the convenience and efficiency this option offers.

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How to Get Your Kids Involved and Excited About Chores

How to Get Your Kids Involved and Excited About Chores

Getting kids to do chores is actually so much more than just getting much needed help. In fact, chores are early life lessons that can later develop into important life skills. But since chores are considered arduous and unpleasant by default, parents need to figure out ways to make them fun and enjoyable so that kids become more eager to do their part.

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Summer Reading List - Decluttering Used Books in Boston

Summer Reading List - Decluttering Used Books in Boston

You may argue that you can never have too many books, but if we are being honest- that’s just not true.

In fact, books are one of those items that have a way of collecting quietly around the home. Sometimes they take up space covertly, and others start bulging your bookshelves openly. The stacks of books surrounding your home may well indicate that you’re a book hoarder, but don’t worry since you’re not alone.

Your love of books may prevent you from wanting to see them go to waste, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

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Things to Ditch When You Move

Things to Ditch When You Move

Moving, daunting as it may seem, is the perfect time to declutter because it’s also one of the only times you will get your hands on everything that you own.

As moving day draws near, and you start to sort out your belongings, try answering questions like “Why do I have this item?” “What does it say about me?” or “Is this really going to add any value to my life?” Answering these simple but often ignored questions will help you figure out what you need to keep and what to get rid of.

Here is a quick list of items that you can safely chuck out and prevent the hassle of packing unnecessary stuff:

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How to Keep Your Home Spring Clean

How to Keep Your Home Spring Clean

For many of us, the coming of spring means taking out those cleaning supplies and getting busy with decluttering, reorganizing, scrubbing, polishing and indulging in some pure and simple deep cleaning. In other words, doing a deep detox of your home.  

However, the trick here is not just to get rid of the old stuff only to replace it with the new, but to keep it clean all year long. If you can do that, you will find that keeping things organized will save you time in your day-to-day routine, make life so much easier and uplift your mood every time you come home to a clean house.

How do you do that- let’s help you out with some ideas to get you started:

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Make Your Home Eco-Friendly for Earth Day

Make Your Home Eco-Friendly for Earth Day

Earth Day is fast approaching. It’s a day to not only participate in activities that better our local environments but also to reflect on our own habits and how they affect the environment.

As you might imagine, there are many things we all do at home that aren’t so earth-friendly. We throw away things that can be recycled, buy products with tons of plastic, and maybe take showers that are a bit too long.

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How To Reorganize Your Pantry to Stay Healthy

How To Reorganize Your Pantry to Stay Healthy

To many, a pantry is a necessary evil. We have to have a place to store our dry goods. The bad news is that a pantry can easily get out of hand.

While a cluttered pantry doesn’t seem that bad, having a messy pantry can lead you to spend more money, waste more food, and make fewer healthy choices.

When your pantry is organized, you feel better about cooking and know exactly what you have on hand.

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How to Get More Time Out of Your Day

How to Get More Time Out of Your Day

Have you ever noticed how often people say “I wish I had more time in the day?” It’s a chronic desire that plagues the vast majority of the population. We wish we had more time to finish work tasks, chores, spend time with our loved ones, do something that relaxes us. The list goes on and on.

Instead of feeling like you’re constantly scrambling for time, adopt some of these tactics to help you get more time out of your day.

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7 Tips for Staging Your House To Sell

7 Tips for Staging Your House To Sell

Springtime is the hot season for selling a home. That’s because everything’s starting to bloom, there are more daylight hours to flood homes with natural light, and it’s a bit warmer.

There are several things you might need to do before putting your home on the market - renovate the kitchen and bathrooms, paint the bedrooms in more “sellable” colors, and patch up any damage that has occurred over the years. In addition to sprucing up your home, you’ll also want to stage it. Staging your home helps potential buyers imagine living in your house. The point is to provide enough of a lived-in feel without overwhelming a buyer with all of your personal things.

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Reassessing Your 2018 Productivity Goals

Reassessing Your 2018 Productivity Goals

At some point in our lives, we’ve all been guilty of setting a goal (typically a New Year’s resolution) that we started towards in earnest but eventually tapered off doing. An incredibly popular New Year’s resolution is to vow to work out more but by this time every year, many people have abandoned the effort. Another example is when people want to be more productive but find they’ve slipped back into their old habits.

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How to Maximize 3-Day Weekends for Your Home Projects

How to Maximize 3-Day Weekends for Your Home Projects

Three day weekends don’t come around that often. We get even fewer three day weekends where we don’t need to celebrate a holiday like the Fourth of July or Thanksgiving.

With President’s Day soon upon us, many of us are wondering what we’ll do with out time. Travel, have a party, have a staycation. President’s Day weekend is actually the perfect time to get a home project done that’s been on your list for ages.

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New Year's Resolution

New Year's Resolution

Eighty percent of New Year’s Resolutions fail by February. That’s a discouraging statistic to hear on the eve of 2018. The question is why are we so terrible at keeping our resolutions? Did we set our goals too high? Do we not have enough willpower?

The answer is a bit of both. We tend to set incredibly lofty goals to be met at an undetermined date and then we lose the will do complete them a few months into the new year. As we resume our daily routines of work, taking care of the kids, cleaning the house, etc., it’s easy to push New Year’s resolutions aside.

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Clutter-Free Christmas Gifts

Clutter-Free Christmas Gifts

Christmas time can be a nightmare for families who are trying to cut down on clutter. Along with tons of decorations, Christmas also brings many gifts into your home. Unfortunately, you’ll likely receive many gifts you won’t use or that add to the clutter in your home. If you and your family are trying to reduce the amount of clutter in your house but still need to give gifts this year, check out our suggestions for clutter-free gifts.

Family Vacation

Instead of having to find a gift for each person in your family, how about treating everyone to a vacation at Christmas? We’ve heard of one tradition a family started where the family decided they had too much stuff. Instead of giving gifts, they pack up their bags each year, go to a new place, and only exchange the gift of a book. Each person receives one book and they spend Christmas Eve reading around the tree.

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10 Ways To Save Time Decorating This Holiday Season

10 Ways To Save Time Decorating This Holiday Season

The holidays are busy for everyone. Hosting holiday parties, family coming to stay, and decorating cookies are all on the docket.

With so many events taking place in the home, you want to make sure your house looks great for the holidays. At the same time, you don’t want to spend so much time decorating that it detracts from time with your family and friends.

In this article, we’ve laid out ten tips to help you save time decorating your home so you can spend time on the things that matter.

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Preparing for The Holidays

Preparing for The Holidays

The holiday period between Thanksgiving and Christmas is the most important time of year for many American families. It’s the time of year when loved ones travel from all over the country (and sometimes all over the world) to be at home.

It’s also a period when Americans spend large amounts on entertaining, decorations, and gifts. In fact, Americans spend about $3.19 TRILLION at retail stores for Christmas.

Inevitably, many of us end up with too many holiday decorations and gifts than we know what to do with, and it can be difficult to organize those items. In this article, we’ll provide some tips to help you get ready and keep your home organized for the holiday season.

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