The Master Checklist for Getting Winter Ready

The Master Checklist for Getting Winter Ready

We're about a month into Fall, and that can only mean one thing... Winter is coming. Getting winter ready can be overwhelming when you start to think of all the different moving parts. House, clothes, car, personal care, well care etc... all can use a little prep work to make it through the winter months without a bump. A simple check list for getting winter ready in every area of your home and life will make sure you don't miss a thing.

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The 5 Step Closet Declutter & Worksheet

The 5 Step Closet Declutter & Worksheet

Is your closet swimming with random shoes, clothing that is stashed on the floor because there's no more room on the rods, purses that are so smashed you'll never use them again? Then it might be time for you to declutter your closet. 

Decluttering your closet doesn't have to be overwhelming if you follow a system. Here are tips to declutter your closet, along with a step by step worksheet! 

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Why it's Important Your Professional Organizer has Their CPO

Why it's Important Your Professional Organizer has Their CPO

"Why can't I just have my friend/sister/neighbor help me organize my space?" 

You might be familiar with the concept of a professional organizer from reality shows or popular books like "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo. Contrary to how it might appear, certified professional organizers do more than just hold you accountable to throwing away your old stuff. 

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7 Ways Your Child Can Gain Organizational Skills This Summer Vacation

7 Ways Your Child Can Gain Organizational Skills This Summer Vacation

Summer time - swimming, family vacations, summer camps and activities. Who said summer was all about taking a break? Summer can be just another opportunity to stay active and learn something new. However, along with this change in schedule, comes a change in how children stay organized. Let's help them learn some skills to get and stay on track! 

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4 Ways to Treat Mom This Mother's Day

4 Ways to Treat Mom This Mother's Day

We all know how much our mother does for us: from changing diapers to kissing boo-boos to making us a balanced meal. We also remember all of the times that we gave her a hard time like refusing to eat our vegetables and hiding those report cards. This Mother’s Day, it is time to show her our thanks and how much she means to us!

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Marathon Monday: Setting & Achieving Your Goals

Marathon Monday: Setting & Achieving Your Goals

Running the marathon is an extremely difficult achievement for even the most seasoned runner. It requires incredible endurance and determination - as well as laying out many checkpoints and goals to get across the finish line. We spoke to three marathon runners who are friends of Ditch the Clutter and all run for different reasons. We are very proud and excited to share their stories here.

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Moving Matters: Expert Advice from Olympia Moving & Storage

Moving Matters: Expert Advice from Olympia Moving & Storage

Spring is here and with that, comes lots of changes. The weather is getting warmer, the days are a little longer and for some of us, we are thinking about moving. You might be in the process of selling your home, buying your first home, or simply moving from one apartment to the next. Any way you slice it, moving is always a big transition and it’s always helpful to get the answers before you begin. While we can assist with getting you ready for your move and set up on the other side, the action of getting your and your belongings from one place to the next requires movers.

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Evacuation Day Edition: Goodbye Clutter!

Today is a very special day here in Boston. Not only is it nationally recognized St. Patricks Day, but it is the 240th Evacuation Day. This date marks when the British left Boston Harbor during the American Revolutionary War. 

In the spirit of having things that don't make sense anymore go, we've put together a helpful outline of how to evacuate your clutter and get organized.

Check out our step by step plan here...And wave goodbye to clutter this Spring!